This is one of our favorite dishes during Lent. This recipe can be made ahead and then kept warm in the oven for 20 minutes. Being Irish and German, I...
Pan-fried zucchini, yellow squash, and carrot cakes, with golden crispy edges and tender insides. These make great dippers for toddlers to adults. You...
Thanks to the inspiration from two other AllRecipes recipes, I concocted this and it was a winner. It wasn't really spicy at all and the kids loved it....
I made this to go along with veal-kabobs the other night, and every one LOVED the combination of mushrooms, potatoes, and zucchini! Make sure the potatoes...
This simple side dish comes together quickly and pairs nicely with any grilled meat. Indoor grill pans work great for those times when weather does not...
Spiralized zucchini noodles are tossed with fresh basil, lime, and ginger for a quick and refreshing side dish. I serve these with grilled chicken and...
If you like traditional fried zucchini, and you're like me, when you get done frying it you only have half of what you fried left. This is a simple and...
A wonderful evocative taste of the Mediterranean, this quick and easy starter takes no time to prepare. Just leave it for 5 minutes before serving to allow...
These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either!...
These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either!...
My Italian grandmother makes these every year when the zucchini in her garden start to blossom. She is Sicilian and calls them 'cripelli.' It's sort of...
These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either!...
Pick the flowers off your zucchini plants as soon as you see some zucchini has started to come in under the flower. A very tasty treat! Try stuffing the...
Pick the flowers off your zucchini plants as soon as you see some zucchini has started to come in under the flower. A very tasty treat! Try stuffing the...
While not true ratatouille, my son jokingly calls it that. For those of us who planted too much, this dish is a fantastic way to use up those prolific...
Yummy zucchini corn fritters that my family can't get enough of. These fritters are light and fluffy with lots of zucchini and fresh corn. Cheese is optional,...
This is one of our favorite dishes during Lent. This recipe can be made ahead and then kept warm in the oven for 20 minutes. Being Irish and German, I...